Ecommerce customer service outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular for businesses today. With customer service playing a key role in developing customer loyalty and fostering trust, outsourcing customer service is an efficient and cost-effective way to provide world-class customer service to eCommerce customers. This article will discuss the various ways that businesses can optimize customer service outsourcing for their ecommerce platform, including the advantages, disadvantages, and tips for success. We’ll also provide some insights into the key factors that should be taken into consideration when deciding to outsource customer service.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Ecommerce Customer Service Outsourcing Company

As e-commerce businesses look to keep up with the rapid advances in technology and maintain the highest standards of customer service, outsourcing customer service to a third-party is becoming increasingly popular. If you are considering outsourcing your e-commerce customer service, there are several important factors to take into consideration.


The first and most obvious factor to consider when outsourcing customer service is cost. It is important to assess the cost savings offered by outsourcing your customer service versus performing the task in-house. Consider the overhead costs of using an in-house team as well as potential savings on salary and benefits, infrastructure, office space and technology. Research multiple service providers and consider which one provides the best cost saving structure without compromising the quality of service.

Service Level

When selecting a customer service outsourcing partner, ensure they have a solid reputation and proven track record in delivering superior customer service. Some of the key areas to focus on are response speed, customer satisfaction surveys, average call handle time, first-call resolution rate, issue resolution record and language expertise. Ask to speak to current customers or review customer testimonials to get a better sense of how the provider performs against their promises.

Data Security

E-commerce businesses handle sensitive customer information, such as payment details and personal data. It is important to ensure that your customer information remains secure with your chosen partner. Ensure that the company provides an assurance of security within their service agreement and that necessary protocols surrounding data encryption and protection are in place.

Point Of Contact

Your partnership with the customer service provider is likely to be ongoing, so it is important to choose a provider with whom you feel comfortable dealing with. Ask to meet the team who will be responsible for the service you require and insist on periodic meetings to review progress, assess customer feedback and update your agreement.


For a successful customer service strategy, it is important to ensure there is a good fit between the culture of your business and that of the outsourcing provider. An organization’s values and beliefs often dictate how it interacts with and serves its customers. Ensure the team you are outsourcing to have the same shared values and goals, as this will make for a much smoother customer service transition and minimize potential gaps.

By carefully considering each of the factors outlined above, businesses can ensure a smoother transition process and the best possible customer service experience.

How to Choose a Ecommerce Customer Service Outsourcing Company

When it comes to running a successful online store, customer service is key. Not only can it keep existing customers coming back, it can also be a valuable tool for acquiring new customers. That’s why it is so important to ensure the customer experience you are providing is top notch. One way to do this is by outsourcing customer service to a third-party provider. An ecommerce customer service outsourcing partner can help you handle customer inquiries, orders, or returns quickly and efficiently while also saving you time and money.

So how do you go about choosing the right ecommerce customer service outsourcing partner? Here are a few tips to consider before making your decision.

1. Establish Your Specific Needs

Before you start looking for an outsourcing partner, it is important to first have a clear idea of what type of service you need. Consider things like the type of customer inquiries you will be receiving, the number of inquiries you’ll need assistance with, and the hours of service you require. Once you have a good understanding of your needs, you can start looking for an outsourcing partner that is the best fit.

2. Research Potential Providers

Once you have established your needs, it is time to do a little research. Look for ecommerce customer service outsourcing partners that have a good reputation and have experience working with companies in your industry. Reading customer reviews and case studies can be a great way to get an accurate insight into the provider and how they could help you achieve success.

3. Outline Your Expectations

Once you have narrowed down your list of potential partners, it is time to make contact. This is a great opportunity to discuss your needs in further detail and outline your expectations. Additionally, it allows you to take on board any feedback or advice they may have to offer. Ensure your expectations are clearly defined and expected outcomes are agreed upon.

4. Test and Monitor

Once you have made your selection and your chosen partner is in place, it is important to test and monitor their services. If you are not happy with the results, then don’t be afraid to make a change. Make sure to measure success indicators such as response times, customer satisfaction, and overall performance.

By following the above steps, you can easily find the right outsourcing partner for your business. Doing so will help ensure customers have a positive experience that will keep them coming back for more.

Ecommerce Customer Service Outsourcing Tips

Managing an eCommerce customer service outsourcing team can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach and system in place, you can create a team that is highly efficient, organized, and cost-effective. To help you do that, here are a few tips for managing a customer service outsourcing team:

1. Define goals: The first step in managing an outsourced customer service team is to set concrete, attainable goals and expectations. This will set the tone for the entire project and give the team the focus they need to be successful. Meta-data specific to their objectives such as average handle time, first call resolution, customer satisfaction rate, and Net Promoter Score should also be defined.

2. Follow-up and review: It’s important to regularly follow-up and review the team’s performance. This will allow you to ensure they are meeting objectives and provide an opportunity to provide feedback and further coaching if needed.

3. Invest in the right tools: Investing in the right customer service software tools can make it easier to manage a large customer service team. Automating processes, tracking performance, and maintaining records are all made easier with the right tools.

4. Communication and transparency: Open communication is key to managing any team and especially so for outsourced customer service. You’ll need to ensure that both teams (internal and external) have a clear understanding of roles, responsibilities, processes, timelines, and expectations.

5. Act on customer feedback: Your customer service team should be continually collecting customer feedback and KPI data. This data should be analyzed to identify trends and inform improvements to the customer service process.

Managing an outsourced customer service team is no easy task, but with the right expectations, systems, and tools, you can ensure they are effective, efficient, and successful. Doing so will help to keep your customers happy and create a great customer service experience.


Q: What is the difference between ecommerce customer service and regular customer service?
A: Ecommerce customer service focuses more on online interactions and product inquiries, whereas regular customer service typically includes interactions with customers in a variety of physical settings.

Q: How much does it cost to outsource ecommerce customer service?
A: The cost of ecommerce customer service outsourcing varies depending on the size of your business and the services you require. Generally, you can expect to pay $25 to $50 per hour for each agent or team you outsource.

Q: Does outsourcing my ecommerce customer service mean I lose control?
A: Outsourcing your ecommerce customer service does not mean you lose control. You and your team can still manage and track customer service activities and measure their success. Outsourcing allows you to focus more on core business activities, while a vendor provides your customers with a high level of customer service.

The ecommerce customer service outsourcing industry has grown significantly over the past few years, as businesses have increasingly sought to leverage the advantages that this business model offers. It provides a cost-effective, time-saving method for customer service departments to provide quality customer service and increase customer satisfaction. This has resulted in a win-win situation for both business owners and their customers. Ecommerce customer service outsourcing can provide a competitive edge by offering a cost-effective, efficient way to provide quality customer service. With customer service becoming increasingly important for businesses, outsourcing is an attractive option for those looking to take their customer service to the next level.