Average Handle Time (AHT) is a metric used to measure the amount of time it takes for a customer support agent to handle a customer inquiry or issue. This includes the time spent on the call or chat, as well as any time spent on related tasks such as documenting the call or passing the customer on to another agent. AHT is an important metric in customer support because it helps managers understand the efficiency of their team and identify areas for improvement.

AHT can be used to track the performance of individual agents as well as the team as a whole. For example, if an agent has a consistently high AHT, it may indicate that they need additional training or support. On the other hand, if the team as a whole has a high AHT, it may indicate issues with call routing or a lack of self-service options for customers.

In addition to tracking performance, AHT is also an important metric for customer satisfaction. Research has shown that customers are more likely to be satisfied with their support experience when their call or chat is handled quickly and efficiently. Conversely, long wait times or long handle times can lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction.

Overall, AHT is an important metric for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of customer support teams. By monitoring and analyzing AHT, managers can identify areas for improvement and make changes that will lead to better customer satisfaction and business performance.

Definition of AHT:

Average Handle Time (AHT) is a metric used to measure the amount of time it takes for a customer support agent to handle a customer inquiry or issue. This includes the time spent on the call or chat, as well as any time spent on related tasks such as documenting the call or passing the customer on to another agent.

How AHT is calculated:

AHT is typically calculated by taking the total duration of all calls or chats handled by a customer support agent, and dividing that by the total number of calls or chats handled. For example, if an agent handles 10 calls that last a total of 100 minutes, their AHT would be 10 minutes.

Importance of AHT in customer support:

AHT is an important metric in customer support because it helps managers understand the efficiency of their team and identify areas for improvement. It can be used to track the performance of individual agents as well as the team as a whole. By monitoring and analyzing AHT, managers can identify patterns and trends, and make changes that will lead to better customer satisfaction and business performance.

Impact of AHT on customer satisfaction and business performance:

AHT is also an important metric for customer satisfaction. Research has shown that customers are more likely to be satisfied with their support experience when their call or chat is handled quickly and efficiently. Conversely, long wait times or long handle times can lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction. Long AHT also affects the business performance because it can lead to lower productivity, higher operational costs and missed opportunities to upsell or cross-sell.

Factors that Affect AHT

A. Agent training and knowledge
B. Call routing and distribution
C. Call volume and peak times
D. Availability of self-service options
E. Complexity of customer issues

A. Agent training and knowledge:

The level of training and knowledge of customer support agents can have a significant impact on AHT. Agents who are well-trained and knowledgeable are more likely to be able to handle customer inquiries quickly and efficiently, which can lead to lower AHT. Conversely, agents who are not well-trained or lack knowledge in certain areas may struggle to handle customer inquiries, which can lead to longer AHT.

B. Call routing and distribution:

The way calls or chats are routed and distributed to agents can also have an impact on AHT. For example, if calls are not properly routed to the most appropriate agent, it can lead to longer handle times as the agent struggles to understand or resolve the customer’s issue. Additionally, if the distribution of calls or chats is not balanced among agents, it can lead to some agents becoming overwhelmed and having longer AHT.

C. Call volume and peak times:

The volume of calls or chats that customer support agents are handling can also have an impact on AHT. During periods of high call volume, agents may become overwhelmed and have longer handle times. Similarly, peak times of the day or week can also lead to longer AHT as agents struggle to keep up with the number of calls or chats they are receiving.

D. Availability of self-service options:

The availability of self-service options, such as a website or mobile app, can also have an impact on AHT. When customers have access to self-service options, they are more likely to be able to find answers to their questions or resolve their issues on their own, which can lead to fewer calls or chats to customer support and lower AHT.

E. Complexity of customer issues:

The complexity of customer issues can also affect AHT. For example, if customer inquiries are complex and require a lot of research or troubleshooting, it can lead to longer handle times. However, if customer inquiries are simple and easy to resolve, it can lead to shorter handle times.

Strategies for Improving AHT

A. Agent training and development:

Providing relevant and current training to agents: One of the most effective ways to improve AHT is to ensure that your agents are well-trained and knowledgeable. This means providing them with relevant and current training on the products, services, and processes they will be handling. This can include product training, process training, and soft skills training.

Focusing on soft skills training: Soft skills training such as communication, active listening, and empathy can also help improve AHT. Agents with strong soft skills are better able to understand and empathize with customers, which can lead to faster resolution of customer issues and lower AHT.

Encouraging ongoing learning and development: Encouraging your agents to continue learning and developing their skills is also important. This can include providing access to online training resources, mentorship programs, or opportunities for professional development.

B. Call routing and distribution:

Utilizing call routing software: Utilizing advanced call routing software can help to ensure that calls are being routed to the most appropriate agent. This can include routing based on the customer’s inquiry, language, or agent skills.

Assigning agents to handle specific types of calls: Assigning agents to handle specific types of calls or chats can also help to improve AHT. For example, if you have agents with specialized knowledge in a particular area, you can assign them to handle inquiries related to that area.

Prioritizing calls based on importance: Prioritizing calls based on importance can also help to improve AHT. This can include prioritizing high-value customers or critical issues that need to be resolved quickly.

C. Self-service options:

Providing easy-to-use self-service portals: Self-service options such as online portals and FAQs can help to reduce AHT by allowing customers to find answers to their questions and resolve issues on their own. These portals should be easy to use and navigate, and should provide accurate and up-to-date information.

Incorporating chatbots and AI-based solutions: Incorporating chatbots and other AI-based solutions can also help to improve AHT. These tools can assist customers with simple queries, such as account balance or order status, without the need for human intervention, which can free up agents to focus on more complex issues.

Promoting self-service options to customers: In order for self-service options to be effective, customers need to know that they exist and how to use them. Promoting self-service options to customers can be done through various channels such as email, phone, and website.

D. Analyzing and monitoring AHT:

Implementing AHT tracking software: Implementing AHT tracking software is essential for understanding and improving AHT. This software can be used to track and measure the time it takes for agents to handle calls, chats, or emails from start to finish.

Regularly reviewing and analyzing AHT data: Reviewing and analyzing AHT data on a regular basis is important in order to identify patterns and trends. This can help you to identify areas where improvements can be made and track progress over time.

Identifying patterns and trends in AHT: Identifying patterns and trends in AHT can help to identify areas where improvements can be made. For example, if AHT is consistently high during peak call times, you may need to consider additional staffing or call routing strategies.

In conclusion, Average Handle Time (AHT) is a critical metric in customer support that measures the amount of time a customer support agent spends on a call or interaction. AHT is important because it helps companies understand how efficient their customer support operations are and identify areas for improvement.

Improving AHT can have a direct impact on customer satisfaction and business performance. Some effective strategies for improving AHT include providing relevant and current training to agents, utilizing call routing software, incorporating self-service options, and regularly reviewing and analyzing AHT data.

It is important to note that AHT should not be the only metric used to evaluate customer support performance. It should be used in conjunction with other metrics, such as first call resolution rate and customer satisfaction score, to get a comprehensive understanding of the customer support operations.

In summary, monitoring and improving AHT is crucial for any customer support operation. It is essential to continue to track and analyze AHT in order to make data-driven decisions that ultimately improve customer satisfaction and business performance.